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1 6    COLONIAS,  1 6    DELEGACIONES ,   U N A  _cc781905-5cde-3193-bb3dC5d8d

Through this research, it is soughtdisseminate urban-architectural culture, with emphasis on the heritage value of Mexico City from the selection of a representative neighborhood for each delegation.


The main interest of the project isgenerate an identity, promoting belonging to the site and the appreciation of urban and architectural heritageconstructed in each case study.


"This book was produced with the support of the National Fund for Culture and the Arts through the Program for the Promotion of Cultural Projects and Co-investments in Architecture 2012."

FONCA: Xochimilco - Barrio 18
FONCA: Chimalistac
FONCA: Ciudad Jardín
FONCA: Guerrero
FONCA: Industrial
FONCA: Lomas Estrella
FONCA: Lomas de Vista Hermosa
FONCA: Merced Balbuena
FONCA: Militar Marte
FONCA: San Jerónimo Lídice
FONCA: Santa Ana Tlacotenco
FONCA: Selene
FONCA: Clavería
FONCA: Lomas de Chapultepec
FONCA: Narvarte
FONCA: Toriello Guerra


a. Growth of urban sprawl and decrease of lakes in Mexico City: 1810-2000


b. Timeline of Mexico City and the neighborhoods chosen in this study


c. Table of the establishment of the colonies every 20 years


d. Table of the commercial value of the colonies in 1943


and. Table of the commercial value of the colonies in 2013

F. Statistics of the colonies and their delegations: inhabitants, hectares, patrimonial properties


g. Table with the quantification of apples, traces and type properties per colony


h. Population and density graph by colonies


Yo. Analysis of the shape, background and figure, layout, blocks and building density of each colony.

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